The end of the 2019 competition season is coming up and with that the last major event of the year, the IBJJF No-Gi World Championship. Our athletes have been working hard to sharpen their skills, get in competition-ready shape, and prepare their minds for the trials of battle. 

To step onto the competition mat is no easy task and we give huge amounts of respect to any athlete willing to put it on the line. We don't believe it's medals that define you, but your heart, your courage.

So regardless of what happens out on the mat this weekend, you've already won in our eyes. Good luck to everyone competing and representing the Hyperfly flag!

Black Belts


 Karen Antunes Checkmat @karenantunesbjj Multiple-time World Champion
James Puopolo Ribeiro JJ @jamespuopolo 2019 ADCC Veteran
Vinicius Lino Wong Alliance @vini_lino 2018 Brown Bronze, First year Black Belt
Lucas Rocha ZR Team @lucasrochabjj 2017 No-Gi Pan Champion
Ivan Jennings @ivan.jiujitsu Heart transplant survivor


Brown Belts

 Margot Ciccerelli Unity JJ @thenomadicmars 2017 No-Gi Worlds Silver
Conner DeAngelis Atos JJ @dc_deangelis Purple/Blue No-Gi World Champ
Jay Jay Wilson Alliance @jayjay_mma MMA fighter, scrappy AF.
Kira Sung @kira_sung_ Hyperfly Korea Athlete
David Mosleh Toronto BJJ @dmoslehbjj Hyperfly Canada Athlete
Daniel Schuardt Empire/Absolute MMA @daniel_the_manchild Hyperfly Australia Athlete


Purple Belts


 Arthur Mariath Atos JJ @arthurmariath Blue Gi Worlds Silver
Hakarai Wilson Oliver MMA @hakaraiawilson Hyperfly New Zealand Athlete
Sa'idah Zeinab Drukee @ginjaninjabjj
Hyperfly New Zealand Athlete
Miyo Strong Unified BJJ @utahjitsmama Hyperfly USA


Blue Belts

 Hugh Boyd Absolute MMA @hugh.jitsu Hyperfly Australia Athlete
Soon Lee Kowloon BJJ @soon_ree

Hyperfly South East Asia Athlete



Will Safford