Bentley Kanekoa
Grey Belt
Instagram: @bj.kanekoa
Aloha, my name is Bentley Kanekoa. I was born in Honolulu, Hawaii and spend my first 6 years there. Currently I reside on the 9th island—Las Vegas, Nevada.
I'm 8 years old and enjoy creating my own graphic novels, anime, soccer and collecting Pokémon cards. My favorite subject in school is art because I love drawing. My all time passion however, is Jiu Jitsu.
I started rolling as a way to ease into sports because of my Asthma. I began my Jiu Jitsu journey in 2022 and will be coming up on 2 years of training and 1 1/2 years of competing in August 2024. What I'm most thankful for is everyone that's had a hand in helping me and supporting me to be 1% better everyday.
I am fortunate to train and compete under my Professors Sam and Gizelle Dias of SD BJJ Academy x Cobrinha Henderson. I wouldn't be where I am in training without my family, loved ones, coaches and teammates. Mahalo—thank you, Hyperfly for this amazing opportunity. I look forward to representing the junior team and I'm excited for the journey ahead.